
Open and reproducible research in MIDAS


Policy on open and reproducible research

MIDAS embraces proper standards of open and reproducible research. We do this so that we and others can gain the benefit of our output being shared widely and openly. We commit to doing the following:


  • All our publications are to be accompanied by a submission of the associated data and full documentation of the software and methods employed to a suitable open-access repository. We use Zenodo and FigShare for this purpose.

  • All our publications will be submitted to a suitable pre-print server prior to submission to the journal. We use Arxiv, SSRN, or other suitable pre-print servers for this purpose.

  • All our publications will be made fully open access, either at the journal or via submission of the final (author) version of the manuscript to our institutional repository (or both).


  • When we make presentations (e.g. at conferences or workshops) we will upload a version of our presentation to an open-access repository, before delivering the presentation (subject to restrictions imposed by our sponsors). We use Zenodo and FigShare for this purpose.

Internal research management

  • We record details of all our research activity in a suitable digital lab notebook in the group file space.

  • We record metadata associated with research activity and outcomes in our research management system (implemented on the Ampletracks platform)

  • We take appropriately detailed notes in all our research meetings.

Links to our platforms